Behind the Iron Curtain

In the early 90's, from behind the Iron Curtain a gray and closed world began to show. Until that historical moment, Eastern Europe had followed its own way, in spite of the Western capitalism, and was looked upon with interest and curiosity by the rest of the world. In the word media, this place was always associated with indoctrinated people, communist dictators, forced labour, cenzorship, queues for food, security and intelligence services which spread terror. After 1989 a couple of daring westerners traveling to this part of the world have found a picturesque and charming world where traditon, beliefs, customs and folk art where unharmed by the passage of time.
In this part of the world, the isolation of the Cold War Era has preserved an ancient land where life is dictated by tradition and not by politics, and the fear of God is greater than the fear of any ruling regime. The people continue to create in the spirit of their ancestors, lifting the craft of building wooden gates to art status; they write poems to the dead on brightly colored wooden crosses in the Happy Cemetery in Sapanţa and they enjoy the good taste of Tokaj wine.
On your trip through this universe, hidden until 20 years ago, you will start from Budapest, one of Europe's most beautiful capitals, and travel all the way to the Parliament Palace, the former People's House in Bucharest, an unmistakable symbol of communism. This is the true world behind the Iron Curtain!
In this part of the world, the isolation of the Cold War Era has preserved an ancient land where life is dictated by tradition and not by politics, and the fear of God is greater than the fear of any ruling regime. The people continue to create in the spirit of their ancestors, lifting the craft of building wooden gates to art status; they write poems to the dead on brightly colored wooden crosses in the Happy Cemetery in Sapanţa and they enjoy the good taste of Tokaj wine.
On your trip through this universe, hidden until 20 years ago, you will start from Budapest, one of Europe's most beautiful capitals, and travel all the way to the Parliament Palace, the former People's House in Bucharest, an unmistakable symbol of communism. This is the true world behind the Iron Curtain!